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tuning compared to other cars!
just looking at a few posts on forums and prices from tuners how much it costs to tune a YB Cosworth engine! Seams pricey compared to tuning other engines...
how come m3,s arnt worth alot of money compared to the escort?
ive been looking at the e36 m3,s & e46 m3,s & they dont seem to be worth a great deal, when they were about 40k new... ive just found one on ebay...
how do 3 door sierra.s drive compared to the escort?
hi all, i just wanted peoples opinions on what the sierra 3 door is like to drive compared to the escort as ive never had the chance to go in one let...
Does your power steering seem heavy when going very slowly compared to your daily driver?
I took mine out of the garage today for the first time in ages and compared to my Audi the steering felt heavy, is it because I am used to my newer car...