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Bought escort cosworth but has a few issues can u guide me ?

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  • Bought escort cosworth but has a few issues can u guide me ?

    Just bought a L plate mallard green for good price £8500
    107,000 miles

    I am new to this world I understand I have bought at the wrong end of the market but the car generally is nice etc but

    She has a few issues I am of sure where to start

    Runs and starts fine

    Idles terrible around 2k if your unplug idle valve thing makes no difference did have a pipe missing of the inlet,manifold a fat one with a yellow ford style spring clip I put that back on made t more stable but still idles high
    Got stainless with no cat no sure how mot man will like that
    I bought her with no mot

    Abs light on all the time bloke Said u can't fix it as no sensors available?

    Bit gutless or laggy until it starts going suppose to be un chipped and standard
    Has dump vave fitted but I can here it dumping all I here is chatter from kone fitter

    I don't think it's a quick as my Ibiza fr diesel. !!!!

    Battery light seems to Be on in the back ground all the time faint worse at night

    Boost gauge in dash doesn't seem to so anyting but I have found a loose boost style hose in engine bay will get somebody to suck ont see if that's the pipe

    Head lining is sagging in rear

    Car has momo steering wheel fitted I don't like it want standard any about?
    And dash clock is missing again any about

    Looks like I have painted a bad picture but its nit bad really

    The car was on passionford for sale mallard green

    I want to stage 1 the car and generally have her driving nice and working correctly any ideas where o start

    Cheers in advance tony

  • #2

    abs light could be sensor on the servo

    abs sensors you can get front but are dear as for rears you can use sierra or saph ones but need to change connector

    battery light dim on dash i say alternator on way out

    steering wheel and clock you can stil get second hand but be dear

    is your a small turbo as sometimes the dump valve makes alot of problems as on small turbo you got a airflow meter


    • #3
      if its a big turbo car it may be worth resetting your ecu, it may help with the running & idle problems, and its a good place to start!

      taken from GGR website,

      hope it helps

      R and B Motorsport
      My engine build & bodywork restoration


      • #4
        Any help is good cheers


        • #5
          Also no Camp belt cover is fitted chap told me not fitted due to they hit the belt?
          He didn't have the cover either ?


          • #6
            Originally posted by Tonypastie View Post
            Also no Camp belt cover is fitted chap told me not fitted due to they hit the belt?
            He didn't have the cover either ?
            not true bud they dont normally hit unless fitted wrong ie the lug under the water pump


            • #7
              Is it this one Tony? Looks tidy.


              For the dump valve might be worth unbunging the intercooler to throttle body hose and put it in there, then bung up the hole it's come from. That's how I have mine, although mine is small turbo.


              • #8
                Was thinking that as ford fitted them from new and I don't fancy a stone going in there!


                • #9
                  Cheers Trevor yes it's that one I reckon it's good for the price once I iron out here issues
                  I will try moving the dumper !


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Tonypastie View Post
                    Cheers Trevor yes it's that one I reckon it's good for the price once I iron out here issues
                    I will try moving the dumper !
                    Certainly a good drop on the price it was advertised at mate. I did see it for sale and I thought how tidy it looked considering the mileage it's done.
                    What's that breather filter at the back near the bulkhead by the way?


                    • #11
                      i always thought dump valve should be on cold side as in the pic it on hot side right next to turbo


                      • #12
                        Not really are what it does to be honest?
                        Nt sure why its there
                        I noticed a bleed valve thing in engine bay are they a god idea?
                        I reckon I need a speiaslist to look over her once I have sorted a few bits


                        • #13
                          I am thinking many hands been in here and not many who new what they were doing


                          • #14
                            I know this car did you drive it home mate
                            Stage 3 Rare Homologation Ex Ford Demo car 44k

                            Underside tidy up
                            1 Owner s2 rst now sold
                            86K S1 RS TURBO TIDY UP


                            • #15
                              Hi no picked it up on my truck
                              I drove later in the day on my trade plates as no test did about 40 miles was ok

                              Do u no anything about it other than what I have found ?

