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Can anyone recommend the best place for a rolling road set up?

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  • Can anyone recommend the best place for a rolling road set up?

    Hi lads,

    As most of you know i have finally got the escos i want after a long hunt

    I have recently carried out full service, timing belt etc and now would like to get it rolling road set up to make sure it's boosting and fuelling to the best it can, i live in hampshire where would everyone recommend as local to me as possible?

    Any advice would be great
    Cheers Darren

  • #2
    Martin Hadland (Reyland)
    Harvey Gibbs (SCS)
    Mark Shead (MAD)
    Jano (Oddkid Creations)
    Danny (Enhanced Performance)

    There is a few places for ya mate

    FletchCossie Sponsors Motoring On Dave


    • #3


      • #4
        I think these have finished(Danny Enhanced Performance)


        • #5
          Wouldn't surprised me, I sent Danny a message the other day and he said he had problems with his partner (Who actually owns the business I think).

          FletchCossie Sponsors Motoring On Dave


          • #6
            Originally posted by FletchCossie View Post
            Wouldn't surprised me, I sent Danny a message the other day and he said he had problems with his partner (Who actually owns the business I think).
            There was a loooong thread about it on PF... After reading it I would go somewhere else.


            • #7
              That sound interesting Is it still on there or it been deleted?

              FletchCossie Sponsors Motoring On Dave


              • #8
                Think danny & luke parted company & apparently danny had nothing to do with EP anyway (no joke) there was a 10 pager elsewhere about it.

                Defo stick to scs,reyland,mad,nms,turbosystems,gs motorsport also has a very good rep thread elsewhere about him as well ronnieamis etc use him,jano as well.

                not sure if mad mark shead maps webber sure i asked him before


                • #9
                  Oh dear, not good Where's this thread

                  FletchCossie Sponsors Motoring On Dave


                  • #10
                    Hi, i think that in UK, there are the best specialists for the YB Cosworth!!!!

                    Gibbs, Hadland, Rainbird are very very famous in Italy!!!!

                    For example, in Italy, we have one of the best italian mapping specialist.....Mauro Ghini, the boss of Rama Racing Engineering!!! He loves a lot Lancia Delta Integrale, he is Italian Drag B2 Champion from 2002 to 2010, and he has a very very very powerful rolling road!!! A lot of seriously car, mapped on his dyno!!!!

                    One of my friends, built a new engine with Mauro Ghini, with an "old T66, RC750's x4, 4 inj of Nitro, big spec the last evolution, the dyno write on the monitor 803 hp!!!

                    I only recomend Mauro Ghini!!!


                    • #11
                      Dont know if it got binned mate try a search ! Dont want to go on about it on here its a nice place & if we get into it & danny see's it it will make this place as bad as the other place if you know what i mean.


                      • #12
                        Found it i will pm you the link make a brew n read through it


                        • #13
                          Thanks mate, found it and on Page 3 of 11

                          FletchCossie Sponsors Motoring On Dave

