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Fao martin hadland re my money!!!

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  • Fao martin hadland re my money!!!

    Merry Christmas and all that...BUT i am sat here with a hangover and donations entered my head

    what happened to the escort reyland rep?Many donated but nothing happened did it?

    I and many i guess expected something big to happen as you was talking alot to get donations to buy it.

    if you have done a major on it and posted on pf then a bigto me as you see i cant get on pf anymore due to many reasons including folk who find it better without me....i fully understand where those people are coming from because they most likely have things to hide and they dont want a person like me exposing the truth.

    You may take this post any way you like most probably negatively with knickers in twist

    BOSCH PARTS 07759984033

  • #2
    i never donated but i was looking every now & again to see if anything was happening with it
    never seen anything though

    upsetting the establishment on PF since 2000


    • #3
      think you'll find its still say outside martins workshop !


      • #4
        yes its outside of martins workshop, needs destroying...i'm more than happy to help

        how much was paid for it?



        • #5
          pf isnt the same without you


          • #6
            Originally posted by stevenebm View Post
            pf isnt the same without you
            pf isnt the same since it was sold to IB and letting stu admin it...i was outed because i complained and told the truth especially about selling email addresses! (alledged)

            Yes i was desperate to get back on,but fortunately i am weened off and dont even look on there now as it makes me sick (and people that really know me will know that is not good for me) to see it going to shit after WE the og's started that and made pet and co rich....not to mention the idiotic power mad mods and certain users that get preferential treatment.

            This place is HOME to me now.
            BOSCH PARTS 07759984033


            • #7
              it is certainly still sat at Martins.

              it was supposed to be destroyed in a great way, several options came up and Redline were going to do a small feature on it and make it a bit of fun, but everyone that promised the great ways of destroying the car never came thru when it was nedded to happen.

              like the guys who were going to drop it from a Helcopter, or blow it up out in field!!

              so until something is sorted out, its still sat there looking as bad as it was at the time and slowly rotting away.


              • #8
                let me have 5 mins with it with my toy


                • #9
                  Sorry I've been away for a while but what's going on with Martin? Did something happen to the 2nd Escort?


                  • #10
                    no not the second escort the wanaby escort

                    upsetting the establishment on PF since 2000


                    • #11
                      Nothings happened to Martin, hes doing well as is the Reyland Second generation weapon..

                      a tacky MK5 cossie rep came up on ebay, done loosly on the colours and style of martins first escort, so it was purchased as a bit of joke, with the intention of terminating its life in a glorious way - but this so far hasnt come to happen!


                      • #12
                        Well it's good to hear all is well. I wish my car was a 1/4 of the car his is.


                        • #13
                          If you cant get on PF to ask the question, why dont you ask him directly

                          Im sure his phone number is esily available, and dont think posting this on this forum is actually going to andwer your question

                          PF politics for PF..........PLEASE

                          Maybe add that to your resolutions for 2009

                          And I dont know Martin Hadland personally , and only ever spoken to him to order parts for my car, so not taking sides, just typing as I see it


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by DALSY View Post
                            If you cant get on PF to ask the question, why dont you ask him directly

                            Im sure his phone number is esily available, and dont think posting this on this forum is actually going to andwer your question

                            PF politics for PF..........PLEASE

                            Maybe add that to your resolutions for 2009

                            And I dont know Martin Hadland personally , and only ever spoken to him to order parts for my car, so not taking sides, just typing as I see it

                            You can contact Martin Hadland of Reyland Motorsport by the following methods:

                            Reyland Motorsport
                            Rear Of 1257 Pershore Road
                            B30 2YT.

                            Workshop Phone: +44(0)121 458 6010
                            Fax: +44(0)121 458 5030

                            NB: To enable us to give you the best possible service, please try to keep email enquiries short and to the point. We have a very busy workshop, and if you require indepth answers, phoning us will enable us to serve you best.
                            Many thanks!

                            Email: * please see note above.

                            there you go Martin , Free advertising


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by DALSY View Post
                              If you cant get on PF to ask the question, why dont you ask him directly

                              Im sure his phone number is esily available, and dont think posting this on this forum is actually going to andwer your question
                              Martin is a user on here

